About Us

Betty Jane's Sweet Delights, Inc. is a new confectionery business with an old family recipe. We welcome you and we encourage you to visit us often as we continue to grow!
Please allow me to introduce you to my mom, Betty Jane...
Betty Jane was the mother of seven children, including me!  She and my father worked very hard to provide us with the fundamentals of life: love, lots of family and friends, good food and great memories. They did an awesome job!
As a child, I remember mom making cakes, cookies and candies on Saturday mornings and during all of the holidays. We were a young, growing family and we always had extras in the house!
In addition to tons of cookies, Swedish Tea Rings, fudge and other yummy sweets, mom made peanut brittle during the holiday season. Our house always smelled warm and inviting in a way that comes only from something sweet. With all of the activity making our family goodies, we were also making great memories -- the ones you remember even 20, 30, 40 years later. Memories that bring a smile to your face and warm your heart!
Mom's peanut brittle was incredible. She made it for us to have at the house, and to give as gifts to family and friends. As a youngster, I remember giving it as gifts to all of my teachers. I gave it with pride, too. In the late 60s and early 70s, mom's peanut brittle made it halfway around the world, to Uncle Lew serving in Vietnam. It was a reminder to him of love, comfort and home.
As an adult, I decided to keep up the tradition of using mom's recipe to make peanut brittle and give it as gifts. My husband and I now proudly take that tradition and share it with you. Betty Jane's Sweet Delights peanut brittle makes a wonderful treat for yourself, as well as a great gift for loved ones during the holiday season and throughout the year.
So, that's the story of why Betty Jane's Sweet Delight Peanut Brittle is our cornerstone signature product. So, buy a bag or two or three, take a bite, pass it around...  and Savor the Sweet Moments!
Bobbie and John
Betty Jane's Daughter and Betty Jane's Son-In -Law
p.s. Now that you know the story, come back and visit often. Who knows what we might add as we continue to grow!